Name: Glitter
Species: Bear
Genus: Build-a
Post-Op Recovery
Case Report (One of the Many Perks of living with a Doctor...A warped sense of humor)Clinical Presentation: A one month old, baby blue teddy bear, Glitter, was sitting on the dining room table, observing its guardian fashioning a snowflake necklace (see picture #1) with modeling clay. Scented candles were lit and on the table to cover the smell of over-baked clay. The younger sister of the bear’s guardian suddenly exclaimed, “Savanna, your bear is on fire!” Following a short scuffle, which lasted approximately 5 seconds, the flames were extinguished. The patient was quickly taken to the guardian’s maternal parent where, following an appropriate tearful explanation, an assessment was made.
Physical Exam:
Baby blue teddy bear in no apparent distress. Afebrile, normal vitals.
Height: 39 cm
Weight: 0.5 kg
HEENT: full thickness burn in right occipital region with some inner “fluff” exposed. The area measures . The remainder of the fur is intact.
Heart: regular.
Lungs: clear.
Abdomen: soft, non tender.
MSK: normal strength, normal ROM
Neuro: intact.
Assessment: One month old teddy bear with severe burn to right occipital region with exposed fluff.
Plan: Craniotomy and reduction cerebroplasty.
Procedure: The teddy was taken to the sewing room and after induction of anesthesia, the right occipital region was prepped in the usual sterile fasion. Tailor-grade shears were used to debride the burned area, exposing normal, healthy and furry tissue. Care was taken to preserve any exposed fluff within the cranial defect and any spilled fluff was cauterized or placed carefully back into the cranial vault. The margins of the wound were then approximated using two layers of 3-0 vicryl sutures. The wound was then bandaged carefully and the patient was awakened. The patient was then taken to the recovery area in guardian’s bedroom in stable condition.
The patient is to follow up in approximately 2 weeks to ensure that the stitches remain intact and is to stay well away from any open flames.
***Dr. Corey Judd, MD was largely responsible for the vernacular of this case report
So glad there is a doctor in house. Had a great laugh!!
he's a lucky bear, I know it's serious when the fluff is exposed, lucky there was a doctor in the house.
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